Walter Sisulu University, WSU Admission Requirements 2020/2021

To study at Walter Sisulu University, WSU, you must meet some requirements as stated by the university. This article will provide you with Walter Sisulu University, WSU admission requirements for undergraduate and postgraduate courses.

Walter Sisulu University, WSU is a technology and science institution that is located in Mthatha, East London (Buffalo City), Butterworth and Komani (Queenstown)  and Eastern Cape, South Africa. The institution was established on 1 July 2005 after the merger of Border Technikon, Eastern Cape Technikon and the University of the Transkei. The university gets its name from Walter Sisulu, a prominent figure in the struggle against apartheid.

In 1976, the University of Transkei was established in the homeland, it is initially a branch of University of Fort Hare as requested by the homeland government.

The university is one of the six comprehensive universities in South Africa, WSU is a developmental university that focuses on urban renewal and rural development by paying attention to the socio-economic needs of the community, commerce and industry through science, technology and innovation.

If you want to study at WSU, you have to meet some requirements to be given admission. The admission requirements into WSU are below.

Walter SisuluUniversity building


1. The general requirement for students to get admission to study at WSU is a National Senior Certificate eligible for degree admission or a matriculation exemption certificate.

2. ATo study a diploma or certificate course, applicants will need a school leaving certificate with a minimum of E-S symbol or National Senior Certificate eligible for diploma/certificate course admission. There are other requirements study are to meet to get admission into the faculty they apply to.

3. Any non-matriculant candidate that can obtain a certificate of conditional exemption issued by Matriculation Board on the recommendation of Senate is eligible for degree or diploma programme admission.

4. Each faculty will decide the equivalence of degree and diploma courses taken at other institutions, provided that faculties will submit recommendations to the senate about the status of each course.

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5. Applicants with the following qualifications from FET colleges and/or other technical colleges or institutions:

5.1. An N3 with four subjects passed at least 40 per cent each, plus two official languages: one to be English one to be passed on First or Second Language SG or at least;

5.2. N4 with four subjects passed by at least 50 per cent each, provided that the individual can demonstrate communication skills in the language of instruction (English)
a. NCV (L4) with at least 60% in 3 fundamental subjects, including a (Language of Learning and Teaching (LoLT) in the higher education institution OR 70% in at least 4 vocational subjects for admissions to Bachelor’s degree.
b. NCV (L4) with at least 50% in 3 fundamental subjects, including a LoLT in the higher education institution OR 60% in at least 4 vocational subjects for admissions to diploma programmes.


There is an opportunity for students to apply for admission through the Recognition of Prior Learning (RPL) process.

At WSU, RPL can be used:

  • Those seeking admission into the institution
  • Obtain access to learning programmes
  • Obtain credits towards a qualification
  • Obtain advanced standing for a course.

Considering that each academic discipline has its own unique approaches, that each person applying for RPL has a unique history, and that there is a wide variety of relevant RPL methods and processes, the following is a general overview that needs to be tailored to the purpose and nature of the evaluation.

The first five points below precede the screening of the formal RPL procedure, which is the first step.

The RPL registration is a separate process from the regular registration for a subject. When prospective learners request application forms, information about the RPL options available in the department/program to which they wish to apply, as well as RPL fees, deadlines and the date of the information session of the Faculty RPL will also be sent.

Applications for the RPL are sent directly to the department/program coordinator (PCO) in question. Within three weeks of the RPL application deadline, each Faculty will offer RPL applicants an information session, explaining what RPL is and the applicable RPL methods.

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RPL fees shall be payable by those who wish to continue the process within three days of this information session. Any potential RPL candidates who can not attend the information session must also pay their RPL fees by this date.

The relevant PCO or other designated evidentiary facilitator (hereafter both referred to as RPL advisors) interview all RPL candidates in the last week of November (for year programs) according to the steps outlined in the WSU RPL policy. Pre-evaluation stage’ and 1.1(‘ screening’), and 1.2(‘ preparation’).

The procedure is as follows for the challenge (Challenge Examinations are developed by faculty members to match the content of specific courses such as interviews, demonstrations, etc.)

  •  Proof of payment will admit the learner to the test venue.
  • The test is marked within seven days and applicants informed of the result.
  • If the learner is assessed as “Not yet competent,” he/she:
  • Immediately registers for the subject
  • Pays the full fee for the subject (i.e., the RPL fee is not deducted against the standard registration fee)
  • If the learner is assessed as “competent”
  • The script is attached to an “Application for Credit” form
  • The subject is then recorded against the learner’s name as a P (Pass) on the ITS administration system.

For those wishing to submit portfolios:

  • A Portfolio Development course will be offered as a joint exercise by the AD unit and the affected Schools in the first two weeks of December and the first week after the academics return in January.
  • Portfolios are to be submitted by the end of January.
  • PCOs will be the primary portfolio assessors. Appropriate adjustments will be made to their registration duties to allow for this.
  • Other assessment methods will proceed as agreed upon between the candidate and the School (see RPL Assessment, for a brief description of possible RPL assessment methods).
  • In the case of portfolios, one week will be allowed for assessment and another three working days for moderation. In all other cases, RPL results will be communicated within one week of the assessment.
  • Applicants deemed “competent” by any appropriate assessment method will have written proof or certification of their competence along with a recommendation from the PCO attached to an “Application for Credit” form and their results recorded as a P (Pass) on the ITS system.
  • Where student registration is delayed owing to an RPL process, no late registration fee will be charged.
  • If classes begin before a candidate’s RPL status is known, the candidate may attend classes assuming the granting of RPL until the status is confirmed.
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RPL Manager: Mr ZG Baleni

Mthatha Campus – Nelson Mandela Drive Site

Centre for Learning, Training and Development (CLTD) Building

Telephone 047 502 2804


The following National Senior Certificate results rating system applies to all faculties, and these are translated into points for each NSC subject. In some faculties, interview/assessment results are also taken into consideration when determining the total APS or Admission Point Score.



NSC (National Senior Certificate)
 Percentage 90-100 80-89 70-79 60-69 50-59 40-49 30-39 0-29
Level 7 7 6 5 4 3 2 1
Points 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1


 Symbol A B C D E F
Points HG 8 7 6 5 4 3
Points SG 6 5 4 3 2 1


Each faculty has an amount to be paid by students for a maximum of ten months payment window. The Financial Aid Bureau provides assistance regarding information about the National Student Financial Aid Scheme (NSFAS) and other sources of bursaries provided by the government and the private sector.



Nelson Mandela Drive 047 502 2443/2448/2851

Zamukulungisa Heights 047 501 1404

Ibika 047 401 6396/6267

Buffalo City
Potsdam & College Street 043 708 5226/5223
Chiselhurst 043 709 4000

Masibulele, Whittlesea 040 842 6806/6803



  1. I m Nomgcobo Nunu-majozi 40yr old want to apply RPL I ve got 6 yrs experience as Enrolled Nurse at philippi clinic.i want to continue my studies but I don’t meet requirements I need help.

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