UNIZULU Closure and Opening Date

Due to the outbreak of COVID-19 in many parts of the world with South Africa included. This article is to give an update on the University of ZULU, UNIZULU closure and opening date.

On March 15, 2020, the President of South Africa, Cyril Ramaphosa has declared the Coronavirus as a national disaster and calls on the closure of all schools and correctional facilities to curb the spread of the deadly virus. Also, a ban has also been placed on international travel, limitation on domestic travel and gathering of more than 100 people.

In order to help fight the spread of this disease, the University of ZULU and all South Africa universities have suspended all activities indefinitely. Here are the steps were taken by UNIZULU to curb the spread of the virus.



The University is keen to adhere to the guidelines from standard organizations to curb the contagious virus. The coronavirus has recently declared a pandemic by both the Centre of Diseases Control and the World Health Organization. This virus has caused so many damages and made companies and institutions to close down.

So many measures have been taken and people are asked to change their behaviour towards health to help stop the virus. The President of South Africa has declared COVID-19 a disaster and all possible things are put in place to fight it. Some of the measures put in place are;

  • The gathering of more than 100 people is now prohibited.
  • Mass celebrations of upcoming national days will be cancelled, such as Human Rights Day and other major government events.
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You can also read more about how to be safe from COVID-19. You also need to know that saving yourself is saving the world.

Informed by the above, University Management has decided as follows:

  1. The commencement of the recess which was supposed to have started on Monday, 23rd March 2020 has been moved forward to Tuesday, 17th March 2020;
  2. Students will be advised of the date of re-opening in due course;
  3. All face to face activities, classes as well as mass academic gatherings are suspended forthwith;
  4. Alternate online teaching and learning methods will be utilised during this period;
  5. All university-related international and non-essential domestic air travel is suspended with immediate effect;
  6. All staff members and students that visited high-risk countries must report their travel to the institutional authorities before their return, submit themselves to tests on their return and self-isolate for at least 14 days;
  7. Students occupying residences in Richards Bay should vacate their rooms as soon as they can or self- isolate in their rooms in order to curb the spread of the virus;
  8. Anyone who experiences flu-like symptoms must visit the designated hospital in this area – Ngwelezane Hospital for testing and support;
  9. Graduation ceremonies are provisionally suspended until further notice;
  10. Staff are encouraged to use technology to communicate rather than attending non-essential meetings. Approval to stay at home must be given by the Dean/ Executive responsible for your portfolio.
  11. If you notice any of the symptoms, stay at home, self-quarantine (avoid contact with others) and immediately seek medical care. Emergency number – National Department of Health –  0800029999
  12. Establish from your medical aid scheme guidelines regarding your benefits.
  13. Sick leave applications must be submitted for proven cases.
  14. Avoid contact with anyone with flu-like symptoms.
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The national situation is rapidly changing as indicated by government and media releases of public reports.  We are all as a nation in this, and as part of the global community.

To keep yourself aware of the latest developments – Contact Numbers 0600123456. Also, visit the WHO and NICD South Africa websites.

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