Requirements to study Nursing in South Africa

Requirements to study Nursing in South Africa

Nursing is one of the most recognized professions in South Africa. Nurses are a very important part of the health sector, they provide care for the community.

There are different cadre of nurses in South Africa based on the length and depth of training received by the individual before joining the healthcare system.

To join ay of the cadre of nursing in South Africa, you must have passed through a nursing school. Many nursing schools are owned by universities and they carry out their training at a hospital or a well-equipped facility.

If you want to study nursing at a university or go to a nursing school, you need a good grade in high school. Start by doing everything possible to score high in your NSC exam in subjects like English, Mathematics, First or Home Language, Life Orientation, and Life Sciences

The next important step is to determine which cadre of nurses you want and the best program to take to achieve your aim. Below are the nursing programs available in South Africa:

  • Senior Certificate in Nursing
  • Diploma in Nursing
  • Bachelor of Science in Nursing

Some Universities offer undergraduate degrees called Baccalaureus Curationis (BCur) as an alternative.

In this post, you are going to find all the information you need regarding the requirements to study nursing in South Africa. We will provide you with each nursing program and its requirements for admission.

Requirements to study Nursing in South Africa

Requirements to study Nursing in South Africa

Higher Certificate in Auxiliary Nursing

This is a one-year program where you will be trained on all you need to know on patient care. After completing a Higher Certificate in Auxiliary Nursing, you can seek employment at a healthcare delivery facility to work under a Registered Nurse (a nurse with a Diploma or Degree).

An auxiliary nurse is responsible for giving a report to a registered nurse or doctor, they spend more time with the patients compared to the Doctors and Registered Nurses.

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Requirements for Higher Certificate in Auxiliary Nursing Program: 

  • National Senior Certificate pass (certified)
  • English or home language at least 40% (NSC level 3) as a home language or first additional language.
  • Life Science/ Biology 50% or more (NSC level 5)
  • An overall NSC score of at least 16 points.

Diploma in Nursing

This is the program that makes you a Staff Nurse, the Diploma in Nursing is a three-year program. It equipped potential nurses with the detailed knowledge they need in the healthcare sector to become staff nurses.

The staff nurses are very important to the healthcare sector, they are part of the everyday activities of any medical team. They take part in all healthcare delivery.

The Requirements for Diploma in Nursing are:

  • Grade 12 (Standard 10) or equivalent.
  • Pass the following subjects; Mathematics, English, First or Home Language, Life Orientation, Life Science
  • You must enroll as a nurse with the South African Nursing Council.

Bachelor’s Degree in Nursing Sciences

This is a four-year degree program where students are trained in Nursing Science. The Bachelor’s Degree in Nursing Science is a very broad and deep program of nursing science that trains students with in-depth knowledge of patient care.

With Bachelor’s Degree in Nursing Science, you are eligible to work as a psychiatry nurse, midwife, general nurse practitioner, and so on. The degree will give you the title of a Registered Nurse, you are expected to be able to handle both theoretical and practical sides of nursing.

Requirements for Bachelor’s Degree In Nursing Sc.:

  • Grade 12 (Standard 10) or equivalent.
  • Pass the following subjects; Mathematics, English, First or Home Language, Life Orientation, Life Science
  • You must enroll as a nurse with the South African Nursing Council.

Advanced Diploma in Nursing

This is a one-year program that gives that provides nurses with all advanced training on patient care. It provides the further knowledge needed to take on a leading role in nursing.

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An Advanced Diploma in Nursing will make you set for a career in nursing management. They need the following general requirements just like the other program to enroll for this program;

  • Grade 12 (Standard 10) or equivalent.
  • Pass the following subjects; Mathematics, English, First or Home Language, Life Orientation, Life Science
  • You must enroll as a nurse with the South African Nursing Council.

Apart from the above requirements, you also need the following requirements for the Advanced Diploma in Nursing;

  • Possess a Bachelor’s degree in Nursing or at least a Diploma in Nursing
  • You must have two years of hands-on experience as a nurse or a midwife
  • Show considerable confidence in carrying out your duties.

How to enroll in a nursing program in South Africa

After checking the requirements to study a nursing program of your choice and you meet the requirements, you can then apply to the School of Nursing. You should consider the location of the school you are applying to.

Contact your preferred institution for the application form via email or visit the school, or on the school website. Some hospitals also offer nursing programs, you can make inquiries at a close hospital.

The next step is to register with the South African Nursing Council (SANC). The registration must be done before you start attending classes for the nursing program you applied for. In other countries, the register is after you have completed your nursing program but it is the opposite in South Africa.

Once accepted to study a nursing program, make sure you attend all your classes and finish the program. Many of the nursing program courses will be practical, attending classes is very important.

What next after completing a program in Nursing?

After you have completed your program, a certificate of completion will be sent to the South African Nursing Council to inform the council that you have completed your program.

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The next thing to do is to take the South African Nursing Council administered nursing exam for the qualification you seek. This exam is for all newly auxiliary nurses applicants, Diploma in Nursing applicants, Bachelor of Science in Nursing applicants, Midwives, and Psychiatric nurses, and others.

The schedule for this exam can be found on the SANC website.

After completing your program in nursing program, you are to undergo a mandatory one-year community service before entering the healthcare workforce.

According to South African law, you must then complete one year of community service. All graduating nurses must apply for placement during the community service year. This is where you will gain the necessary hands-on training at clinics and hospitals.

After the community service, you can apply to any hospital, clinic, or health facility of your choice, including the armed forces where your skills are greatly needed. Some big companies also need nurses, you can apply there also.

If you want to study further, you can further enroll for a post-graduate degree like a Master’s degree in general nursing, psychiatric nursing, and midwifery. After your Master’s program, you can decide to enter the workforce (though many works while furthering their education in nursing) or obtain a Ph.D. in Nursing or the Doctor Curationis degree (DCur).

Another accepted qualification is enrolling for an Advanced Diploma in Nursing Certificate, this is an alternative to the above qualifications. You can only obtain this after you must have worked for at least 2 years as a registered nurse.

A well-accepted alternative is to study for an Advanced Diploma in Nursing certificate which one can obtain after working for at least 2 years as a Registered Nurse. This certificate helps you gain more responsibilities within the work environment.


  1. I’m also funded by nsfas please I will be happy if I can get a response soon. I can go anywhere in South Africa as long I got a space to study .I don’t want a gap year since I’m not having any parents

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