Pharmaceutical Society of South Africa Bursaries 2020-2021

Pharmaceutical Society of South Africa Bursaries

The Pharmaceutical Society of South Africa (PSSA) was Established in 1946,The Pharmaceutical Society of South Africa aims to promote the professional, educational and economic interests of its members as well as of the pharmaceutical profession, encourage professional integrity and improve standards of professional conduct, promote and maintain the representation of the pharmacy sector, support and manage the health of the South Africans through quality and efficient pharmaceutical services and improve representations of all communities through diversity. The bursary programme is valid for only one academic year at a time and is renewable based on bursary holders’ academic performance.

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PSSA Bursary Requirements and Eligibility

General eligibility:

  • South African citizens
  • Proven financial need with maximum household income of R130 000 annually before tax
  • Minimum 60% average overall


  • 2nd-year Pharmacy students


  • Full-time postgraduate pharmacy students registered with a School of Pharmacy
  • Paid-up member of the Association who has renewed membership at least once
  • Project Viability and Academic potential

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How to Apply and Application Details For Undergraduate

(Note: The undergraduate bursary application form for 2021 can be submitted from August 2020)

Attached the following supporting documentation along with your completed application form:

  • Certified copy of your ID document
  • Certified copy of your matric certificate
  • Certified copy of your full tertiary academic record/ transcript
  • Letter of motivation by one of your pharmacy lecturers
  • Financial Declaration (details are on the application form)
  • Proof of family income
  • Proof of any other dependants of the supporter
  • Proof of any other financial assistance (loans/ bursaries etc)
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Applications must be submitted in one of the following ways:

  1. Post:
    Foundation for Pharmaceutical Education (FPE), PO Box 75769, Lynnwood Ridge 0040
  2. Hand delivery/ courier:

Foundation for Pharmaceutical Education (FPE)
435 Flinders Lane

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  • For FPE Postgraduate Bursary:

Attached the following supporting documentation along with your completed application form:

  • Certified copy of your ID document
  • Certified copy of your full tertiary academic record/ transcript
  • Proof of income

Applications must be submitted in one of the following ways:

  1. Email: [email protected]
  2. Fax: 0866 159 835

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Additional application procedure for postgraduate applicants:

  1. Submission of applications to the SAAHIP National Executive for eligibility assessment.
  2. Recommendation of the successful applicant by the SAAHIP National Executive to the FPE.
  3. Approval of transfer of funds from the SAAHIP to the FPE.
  4. Award and administration of the bursary by the FPE

No faxed or e-mailed applications will be accepted.

Closing Date

Undergraduate Bursary:   30 October 2020 

Postgraduate Bursary:   14 April 2020 

Contact Details

Post: PO Box 75769, Lynnwood Ridge, 0040
Address: 435 Flinders Lane, Lynnwood, 0081
Telephone: 012 301 0833
Fax: 0866 159 835
Email: [email protected]

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