NBT Application 2022

NBT application 2022

NBT application 2022 is currently ongoing and interested parties should apply now.

SchoolGistSA has provided applicants with all details they need to know about NBT application 2022.

National Benchmark Tests, acronymized as NBT, are tests that check the readiness of students that have finished grade 12 and want to furthermore into higher institution education.  There are two tests to check the level of competence of the writer. Academic Literacy and Quantitative Literacy (AQL) is compulsory for all applicants and the mathematics (MAT) should be written by applicants that mathematics is a requirement for them. 

The two tests should be written in one day by an applicant and can not be written on different days. Each exam is a multiple-choice exam with a duration of 3 hours. The main aim of these tests is to test the quantitative literacy of the applicants and their mathematical ability of the applicants. 

NBT application 2022

NBT Application 2022 Dates

One fascinating mode of operation in  NBT is that you get to pick the time and location of your exams out of the stipulated times and places. It is an examination that can also be written online. Meanwhile, NBT is flexible to the extent that you can change the date of your exam if you think you are not ready for the exam. You can change the date before the closing date on your test schedule.

The NBTs run from the 14th of  May, 2022 to the 7th of January, 2023. The on-site tests are always written every weekend or every two weekends. In case you have not finished your grade 12 curriculum, you will still have dates to pick from. However, the online tests have limited dates to pick from. The online exams will be written once a month from May to October which September is not included. Registration for NBT application 2022 is open. 

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NBT Application 2022 Registration Fee

One of the cheapest examinations you would write as a student is the National Benchmark Tests. The cost of AQL alone is just R130. However, if your preferred course of study has mathematics as part of its requirements, you have to register for both AQL and MAT which will cost you R260. There are cases in which you wouldn’t be contented with the score, you can ask for a remark and the cost of a remark in NBT is R250. Note that all fees and non-refundable. More so, if you are willing to write the exam for the second time, you would have to re-register for the exams and pay the full costs again. 

NBT Application 2022 Mode of Operation 

NBT’s duration of the exam is 3 hours for each test. In cases where a student has to write the two exams, it has to be written on the same day. One unique feature of NBT is that you don’t fail. Your score places you on a benchmark band which assists universities to know your capabilities and places you where they think you will thrive.

This system allows a student to write this set of tests twice nonetheless, some universities do not accept a second score for NBT. So if you want to rewrite these tests, you have to check if your choice of university accepts a second score. 

It is a good idea for grade 12’s to write NBT because it is always part of the requirements for many degree courses spent for competitive degree courses and scholarships. National Benchmark Tests do not have past questions but you can check their website for topics covered in the examination. One distinctive feature of NBT is that with one NBT score, you can apply to more than one university. The result of NBT doesn’t take long, they only take approximately three weeks to mark and accumulate results. 

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Nevertheless, for foreign students, interpreters are not allowed in NBT. The official language of NBT is English and the AQL test is to test your proficiency in the English language. Students with disabilities can also write NBTs but have to contact the Office of Students disabilities in their university of choice 

Frequently Asked Questions 

Below are the frequently asked questions related to NBT Application 2022 and their answers 

Can I write my NBT test online?

National Benchmark tests council offers you options to write your exam on-site and online. You will successfully write your exam online if you follow the rules and meet the requirements.

How do you apply for NBT?

You will need an official ID book and an international passport if you are a foreign student for the NBT application 2022. You can register online on their website www.nat.ac.za

How much is the NBT fee?

The registration fee for NBT application 2022 is R130 for AQL alone and R260 for both AQL and MAT. The fee is non-refundable.

Who qualifies for NBT?

A student who is done with grade 12’s curriculum is eligible to write the NBT. 


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