Apply To University Of Western Cape: Admission and Application Procedure

This article contains all information applicants will need regarding University of Western Cape admission and application form. It will also provide information on how students can apply for admission. We will take you through the online application process and hardcopy method. 

The application to study at the University of Western Cape is now open for new applicants that meet the institution admission requirements. Applicants should follow the steps below to apply successfully to the institution.

University of Western Cape


To apply for UWC admission, follow the following steps to apply online.

University of the Western Cape, UWC Undergraduate/Postgraduate Application Procedures

Here are the steps to apply for admission:

  1. Visit and click on New Application
  2. Make sure you set your application to postgraduate while applying
  3. Complete the Personal Information section
  4. Input the following information when filing your application: Study Type, Year of Admission, Semester, Faculty, Programme, Department
  5. Input your contact details
  6. Input next of kin information
  7. List all your academic qualification
  8. Fill financial information section
  9. If you apply for a bursary or have one input the details in the form
  10. Fill the Alumni, Staff and Marketing section. If the information does not apply to you. Proceed to submit your application


  • After filling the application form and you have submitted, the university will send you a mail to acknowledge your application.
  • Your Application number will be in the mail
  • Make sure you write the application number down because its what you will use in communicating with the university
  • All the supporting document you will have to submit will also be in the mail
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  • Go to to complete the form and upload supporting documents
  • It is not necessary for current matriculants to upload supporting documents
  • Already Matriculated are to upload matric certificate/foreign school leaving certificate.
  • For those attending another Tertiary Institution, upload a certified copy of your academic record and certificate of good conduct, stamped by your institution’s registrar.


The online application to UWC is free, no money is required for the institution online application.


Post-Matric Learners

If you have written the NSC examination already, you submit a certified copy of the following:

  • ​NSC certificate or Senior Certificate
  • Identification document
  • Proof of any studies with academic records, if applicable, you may have completed
  • If applicable, proof that you are currently improving your NSC results
  • In an affidavit a brief description of activities post-matric/NSC

Applicants who are re-writing Grade 12 subjects, applications will be processed on the current grade 12 results. If Grade 12 has been written more than once then your combined results must be submitted with your application.

Transfer Students

If you are applying from another institution of higher learning you need to submit certifies copies of the following:

  • ​NSC Certificate or Senior Certificate
  • Identification document
  • Certificate of good conduct from your institution
  • Official Academic Transcript
  • Module content / Yearbook descriptor from your institution for all modules completed
  • Degree certificate (if applicable)

Students applying for readmission to UWC

If you have studied at UWC previously, to be reconsidered for readmission you will have to present a letter of motivation.

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International Students

  • ​You need to submit your final school results to Universities South Africa (USAf) for an evaluation.
  • Application for Exemption is to be done with Universities South Africa (USAf) formerly Higher Education South Africa (HESA) using the following link:
  • We, unfortunately, will not be able to respond to your application until you submit a confirmation letter issued by USAf stating that you qualify to study at a South African University.
  • Certified copy of your passport.

Post Graduate students

  • Certified copy of identification document
  • Certified copy of Passport (International Applicants only)
  • Official Academic Transcripts/record of results  (All applicants)
  • Certified copies of degree certificates (All applicants)
  • SAQA Evaluation Certificate (International Applicants only)
  • Short Curriculum Vitae (CV) (All applicants)
  • One page letter of motivation (All applicants)
  • Short research intention (Master and Doctoral applicants only)

University of the Western Cape, UWC Postgraduate Application Procedures

The University of the Western Cape, UWC Application for International Students

Before being permitted to register at UWC, international students are required to show proof of:

  • A valid study visa
  • South African medical aid cover
  • English proficiency

For more information about the above, tuition and registration fees, and other requirements, please visit the International website.

University of the Western Cape, UWC Online Application.

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