Kofi Annan Fellowship in Public Health Leadership


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The African Union Commission launched the Kofi Annan Global Health Leadership Fellowship. The program targets emerging, as well as established, leaders with background in any field of public health including One Health, medicine, finance, policy, animal health, environmental health, etc.

The African Union Commission has launched the program in partnership with the Kofi Annan Foundation and the Africa CDC. The fellowship aims to support aspiring public health leaders (Fellows) in Africa in acquiring advanced skills and competencies to strategize, manage and lead public health programs that will positively transform public health in Africa.

Kofi Atta Annan is the seventh Secretary General of the United Nations, Nobel Peace Prize Laureate and Founding Chairman of the Kofi Annan Foundation. He was an example of visionary leadership. Among his many achievements is the establishment of the Global Fund to Fight AIDS, Tuberculosis and Malaria, which was a game-changer in the management of infectious diseases in Africa.

The first cohort of the Kofi Annan Fellowship Program consisted of a total of 20 fellows from 14 countries. As for the second cohort, it welcomed 20 fellows from 17 countries from over 3,000 applications. The program is now open and accepting applications for the third cohort, which is expected to begin in May 2023.

Opportunity Summary

DEADLINE: January 15, 2023.
TYPE: one-year residential training.
FUNDING: Fully funded.
TARGET GROUP: Member State of the African Union.

Amount and Benefits

The Fellowship will use a hybrid learning methodology that includes self-directed learning to accomplish a Personal Development Plan (PDP) over 12 months. Experiential learning shall take place through webinars, keynote lectures, online self-directed study with evaluations, case studies and an individual leadership challenge project. It will include up to eight weeks of institutional residential placements for all Fellows as a cohort. Fellows will spend the rest of the training period in their home country, continuing with their regular work responsibilities.

Africa CDC will provide all learning and development materials and meet all costs associated with the fellowship, including travel, daily allowance and insurance during the residential placements. Fellows will be supported to ensure that they have the relevant software for online learning.

Eligibility criteria

Applicants for the Kofi Annan fellowship must:

  • Be a citizen of an African Union Member State.
  • Possess a postgraduate degree in a relevant field.
  • Have 10 years of professional experience in any area of public health, including health, medicine, finance, politics, animal health or environmental health.
  • Hold a full-time job in a field of public health, in a private or public institution in Africa.

The selection of candidates will be carried out by an independent committee composed of experts from Africa CDC, the African Union and partners. Qualified women are strongly encouraged to apply.

How to apply for the Kofi Annan Fellowship?

Applicants for the Kofi Annan Fellowship in Public Health Leadership are invited to complete the application form using this link : https://learn.au.int/form/kofi-annan-fellowship-in-public-.

Candidates must indicate their personal information, their professional background and attach the following:

  • A support letter from the current employer to confirm employment, guaranteeing that the candidate will be allowed enough time to participate in the Fellowship programme and to attend the full eight weeks of institutional residential experience.
  • Letters of recommendation from two reputable professional referees.
  • A personal statement (maximum 400 words) providing evidence of the candidate’s commitment to public health in Africa detailing the following: (1) Their leadership experience and professional attainment, (2)  Their vision of, and the future impact of effective public health leadership in Africa, and (3)  How they would champion public health initiatives in Africa.
  • A leadership challenge project proposal (maximum 400 words) that outlines a potential leadership challenge project they will implement which is feasible to complete within the 12 month of the fellowship. The proposal should include a title, brief description of the challenge (what is it, who is affected, and why), a proposed strategy for a solution, and the expected outcome.

The application deadline for the Kofi Annan Fellowship in Public Health Leadership is January 15, 2023. Successful applicants will be notified by March 31, 2023. The fellowship program will start on May 1, 2023.

For any questions regarding the fellowship, please contact : [email protected] or [email protected].

Download the prospect in the language of your choice for more information : English, Français, Português, and عربي


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