Tshwane University of Technology, TUT Admission Requirements 2022/2023

tut admission requirements

If you have been searching for the Tshwane University of Technology, TUT admission requirements you are at the right place.

The Tshwane University of Technology is a young institution established in January 2004 after the merging of Gauteng’s Technikons.

The University has 7 faculties and various departments that range from mainstream areas of study like Engineering, Law and extend to more niche areas like Fashion and Sports Management. Apart from giving quality education to students on their chosen course of study, TUT also provides entrepreneurial skills for students.

tut admission requirements



An applicant that wants to apply to study must meet the below Tshwane University of Technology, TUT Admission requirements:

  • An applicant must have a pass mark in English at the Senior Certificate level (minimum additional language; first or home language status may be required by some programmes)
  • Applicant must meet his/her course admission requirement.
  • Students should note that the admission requirements for individual programmes might change from year to year.
  • Students might have to write an admission test for some programmes, this will determine their eligibility for admission.

TUT Requirements NSC – Gaps your profile ​

This is the results format for the new NSC-G rating marks and the minimum admission requirements to study at TUT:

  1. Outstanding achievement: 80 – 100
  2. Meritorious achievement: 70 – 79
  3. Degree substantial achievement: 60 – 69
  4. Diploma adequate achievement: 50 – 59
  5. Foundation moderate achievement: 40 – 49
  6. Elementary achievement: 30 – 39
  7. Not achieved: 0 – 29
See also  TUT Late Application Dates and Deadlines 2022

Mathematics or Mathematical Literacy?

All learners applying to TUT must take one of the two subjects for NSC-G purposes

​​TUT position:
  • In TUT mathematics is relevant to programmes that require prior knowledge of mathematics; other programmes may just require Mathematical Literacy. (You can check the details of what each subject entails in the DoE curriculum statements)

TUT Requirements NSC – Gaps your profile ​

Here is the results format for the new NSC-G and the minimum TUT admission requirements:

Rating code​ Rating Marks
7 Outstanding achievement 80 – 100
6 Meritorious achievement 70 – 79
5 Degree substantial achievement 60 – 69
4 Diploma adequate achievement 50 – 59
3 Foundation moderate achievement 40 – 49
2 Elementary achievement 30 – 39
1​ Not achieved 0 –​ 29

Check out how to apply to the Tshwane University Of Technology Online.

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